Michelle Hawkins
Michelle originally trained as a market researcher and corporate strategist and subsequently spent many years working within health and wellbeing across charitable, public and private sectors. Latterly, as Director of Transformation at Virgin Care, she managed a national team of NHS change specialists who were implementing everything from health visiting services in libraries to remote patient monitoring and personally led the design and launch of a pioneering digital sexual health service in 2017.
After developing a new model for meeting the needs of older people with Virgin Care, Michelle realised that there was a huge gap in the health system around supporting older people who were still active or needed to adapt their lifestyle to remain independent for as long as possible. This led her to train as a Gerontologist so that she could specialise in ageing well across the life-course and to uncovering another system gap around spiritual health - so vital for wellbeing and yet almost completely overlooked. This inspired Michelle to study energy medicine and to develop a new approach to ageing-well that empowers individuals to take responsibility for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing.